DISCLAIMER: Buffy/Angel/Alfalfa <G> are not mine. They belong to Joss Whedon, who has some SERIOUS karma coming his way.

<Lex walks out, donning a Level 4 Damage Control suit>

<sigh> Okay, folks. I've been ready to do damage control ever since I *glimpsed* the direction Whedon, that evil mastermind, was going.

He's wounded me here. A lot. But you can only push me so far before I freak out and start breaking out the weapons.

So, to wit, I present "Revisionist History, Part 1" to put your minds at ease.

Go to your VCRs. Replay "Becoming, Part 2" UNTIL you get to the "Alkaselzer takes his first hitching breath" scene. STOP the tape.


<<---Insert story--->>


Buffy clutched Angel to her, hardly able to believe the truth she held in her arms. Her lover, her *beloved* was back, his arms wrapped around her, clenching her tightly to his chest.

//God, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.//

"But Buffy, I'm so confused...what's going on? Why are we here -- you're hurt, why are you hurt?"

"Shhhh. No reason, it's okay, everything is going to be okay now."

As the syllables left her throat, she heard a hitching, grinding sound. Turning slightly, she saw Acathla beginning to form the vortex, ready to suck Earth into Hell.

She was outraged. How DARE that two-bit demon interfere with her touching reconciliation moment with her boyfriend! As if!

Grasping the sword she still held clenched in her right hand, she drove the sword, still laced with Angel's blood, directly into the chest of the demon.

Acathla deflated like a empty balloon.

Angel looked at her. "What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Not important. So as I was saying..."


<<---End Becoming--->>


It Had To Be Done (TM).

Flames, praise, and declarations of undying love to me at lex@bitchenvy.com